100 Percent Donation Policy
100 Percent Donation Policy
Mercy to the World operate a 100% donation policy for Zakaat and Sadaqah Donations. This means that every penny received goes directly to the deserved causes and makes a difference in the lives of the most needy orphans, widows and destitute around the world.
Any donations specified as Lillah either by country or project will be utilised for implementation and delivery of that project, specific to that country. It is an obligation that every penny of the donation received is fully accountable and we shall always endeavour to honour and fulfil the expectations of our donors.
The only fee deducted from your donation is the credit card payment processing fee. This fee is charged by the payment processor "Square" and "PayPal" when you donate using your credit or debit card. Alternatively to ensure no fees are deducted from your donation, please choose to make either a Bank Transfer directly into the Charity Bank Account, Cash or Cheque payments.
We have a separate fund to cover our UK administration, fundraising and marketing costs. This fund is supported through business sponsorships, tax reclaim from gift aid and donations specified for administration purposes. Furthermore any unspecified donations will be allocated to the charity's administration fund to support the running and delivery of all our global projects.
We would greatly appreciate and request all our donors and supporters to contribute towards our administration fund "Admin - Lillah" to enable us to maintain our commitment to the 100% donation policy.